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Importance Of Clothing

People never thought about how much time they likely to waste deciding what to wear in the morning? It's probably made them late to school or work more times. we waste so many precious moments concerning ourselves with silly details. An outfit will not change the world; it probably won't even change our day.
This is not to say that fashion & clothing isn't important, as it has an immense impact on culture and, in turn, the direction of society.
Indeed, fashion is where art, culture and history meet. During 60s people dressed up was a reflection of the counter culture movement and the anti-establishment sentiments of the era.
It is very much obvious that besides food and shelter, clothing do comes under the umbrella of necessities of life. It is important because it reflects an individual's culture, personality and fondness. Normally clothes are used to protect the body from the outside temperature and enhance physical appearance. The primary function of clothing is to comfort the person. In hot climates, clothing protects from sunburn or wind damage, while in cold climates it protects human from cold weather. The first impression is often laid by the style of outfit the people normally wear.

5 Reasons Why People Wear Clothes:

There are 5 main reasons people wear clothes and not walk around naked like animals.

1. Protection:

Clothing provides physical safety to the body, Preventing from the negativity of climate and environment. In this regard the fabric of cloth plays a major role and TWH is the remarkable online resource for providing best quality fabrics for men shorts online.

2. Modesty:

Modesty is the covering of the body to establish decency in society.

3. Adornment:

It is the manner of decorating to meet the demand for culture.

4. Identification:

Almost all the countries have their own traditional and cultural dresses,  that provide satisfactory information about who the person is and what he does?

5. Status:

Clothes are one of the important factors that represent status.
Generally, clothes protect us from rough surfaces, rash-causing plants, insect’s bites, splinters, thorns and prickles by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. It provides a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials way far away from our body.
It is not the cup of tea of every individual to select suitable, comfortable clothes for oneself. It’s TWH playing a vital role in the selection of clothing especially for men online shopping, who is accessible online nowadays too.
Values are developed from an individual’s experience and the culture in which he lives. Thus people from the same culture have common values but there can be an individual difference such as the Muslim community values clothing covering their entire body but some don’t value and wear as per their wishes.
There are four values  about clothing such as :
The economic man is interested in the need for clothing instead of brands, desire, comfort, energy, money.
The aesthetic attitude is the opposite of the stereotypes. Every single experience is judged from the standpoint of grace, symmetry or fitness. People with esthetic values want to look different from the majority.  By their clothes, accessories like bags, jewellery, etc all had been beautiful and different.
The social value makes people take notice of the opinion of others. They believe that they will have more opportunities if they dress well.
The highest value of a pious and religious man is unity. He is mystical and seeks to comprehend (to include to contain)the common as a whole to relate himself to its totality.
Men who are interested in clothing wear the latest, trendy clothes as compare to men who are not interested in clothes won’t mind wearing a 5-year old fashioned suit. Smaller income tended to be least interested in clothing. Urban area people had greater interest than people from rural areas. Education, marital status, children, membership in an organization also correlated with the interest in clothing. The high school girls had significantly higher interest than college girls. The most important factor for developing the interest in clothing are mother, family, school and workplaces of the individual. Clothing is an expression both of dominant values and those attitudes and values held important by various subcultural groups and by the individual. In most cases family receives its values from society. We observe individuals vary in their interest in clothing.

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