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Shoplifting: Why Does It Exist?

If you’re a seller you might have been a victim of shoplifting. We're really sorry about what happened to you. If you're wondering what actually is shoplifting we're all here to define. Shoplifting is basically a hateful act of stealing stuff from shops. Sadly, it is practised all across the world causing small to huge losses to sellers. It's really important to know why people choose to do shoplifting. There’s not just one but many reasons behind it.

  1. Psychological Disorder
The habit of shoplifting is declared as a psychological disorder. Strange, right? Most of us believe that it’s the doer is stealing stuff by choice. Let us tell you a little more about this disorder. It is specifically known as Kleptomania where the person cannot avoid theft behaviour for long. And do you know this disorder is somewhat chronic? So, if you see anyone with strong urges for theft, get it treated. Otherwise, it could be emotionally draining for the patient and anyone associated with them.

  1. Peer Pressure
Giving socially, culturally and morally unacceptable dares is the new sport for young brats. We really wonder why is it considered so cool and funny because it's absolutely wrong on so many levels. You should unfriend anyone who asks you to steal designer shirts for women as a dare. We expect some decency from you. It might be fun at that moment but it will damage your reputation forever if you get caught. Educate your friends on this instead of blindly following what they say.

  1. Unaffordability
Imagine you come back home after a girls’ night out and notice a few signs of theft in your house. You look around the house to see what’s gone and you find the big fat sack of wheat lying around the kitchen is missing. Yes we know stealing is bad but stealing basic things like wheat is just too much to absorb. Imagine the state of poverty here that a person was forced to steal wheat instead of your MacBook Air. We really hope this vicious kind of poverty leaves this world forever. Such may be the case with women pret latest collection as well.

  1. Addiction
Sometimes an individual is just addicted to a bad habit. He steals a pack of chips once from the supermarket and really enjoys it. That day is a turning point and he starts doing it every now and then. He becomes so used to it that going back is no less than climbing a mountain for him. Just like an addict can’t survive without heroine a robber can’t live without stealing stuff.

  1. Issues in Personal Life
Usually, when a person is going through a lot of stress and emotional trauma in life he starts doing drugs or smoking cigarettes. There are many other such coping mechanisms that people try when in distress. Shoplifting is one of them. During bad times, people are seeking a temporary adventure that will get off their mind from all the drama. So they think shoplifting will bring them the joy they desire.

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