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Overnight Camping At Desert Safari Dubai

UAE desert campaign is thought to be one amongst the foremost common excursions because it may be a rattling combination of ancient Arabic traditions also as trendy culture and infrastructure. additionally referred to as ridge BASHING, this can be one sort of off-loading wherever associate degree off road vehicle is employed to explore SAND DUNES port and within the UAE, this has become progressively common tourist attraction. In most of the desert campaign there is eclectic read of beautiful desert sunset together with luxurious Arabic cookery. Together with all this, rides on even-toed ungulate back and painting of ancient henna style on the hands of the guests, oriental belly dance is enclosed within the desert campaign package. The stateliness of the desert will currently be experienced half day, full day or long safaris.

Camps are a thing which everyone enjoys.  You must have experienced camp fun once in your whole life time I guess. But have you ever experienced night camp at a desert? It is a kind of experience which everyone should experience once in their lives. Desert safari is a place which can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night. If you want to go for a day time fun at desert safari the most preferred deal that you can choose is our morning desert safari deal but if you want to enjoy the night time fun at desert safari you should select our evening desert safari deal. Well if we see so every kind of desert safari activity is enjoyable at desert safari but let’s talk about the overnight camping desert safari in Dubai. Just think of enjoying your night in Desert Safari.

Now let’s talk about the activities of an overnight camp:
First one is the tanoura dance. This is a kind of dance which is the specialty of desert safari overnight camp. It is a sufi dance type where people who perform it take rounds. The vibes which you get from seeing this dance are the vibes which satisfies your soul.

Another activity is Henna art. It is a beautiful art which makes your hands look beautiful. In the night camp henna art specialists are there to decorate your hands of the kind of design you want on your hands.

At the night camp you are served with a palatable international dinner which tastes like anything in the world. 

Don’t wait too long to get this amazing experience. You can go and click on the link that is so that you can book the best deals of an overnight camp in Desert safari.

We promise you that you will not get disappointed our services.

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