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How To Get Rid Of A Chalazion- Top Effective Ways

One day, if a chalazion suddenly visits you and affects your life or work much, it’s time for you to know how to get rid of a chalazion in the most effective and fastest ways.

Thus, our post will give help you to know what it is, some popular symptoms and how to discard it quickly. Now, read up on!

What is a chalazion?

Before having a deep insight into how to get rid of a chalazion, we should have an overview of it.
In particular, a chalazion is known as the medical term for an eyelid cyst and the most common lesions of our eyelid.

It usually presents as a painless swelling on our eyelid for weeks or months before we ask for the medical treatment.

Generally, it is normally benign and self-limiting. Anyway, it may cause impaired vision or discomfort of feeling inflamed, painful, or infected. Frequently, it tends to recur in predisposed people who have similar lesions before.

Below are some normal symptoms of a chalazion you should notice:
  • Some tender spots on your eyelid.
  • The hard protuberance on your eyelid.
  • An expanded tearing of your eyes.
  • Blurred or blocked vision.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • A red, swollen, and painful chalazion.

How To Get Rid Of A Chalazion?
In fact, a chalazion often disappears by itself without treatment in a month or more. Anyway, we will show you how to get rid of a chalazion using natural materials within a short time:

  • Warm Compress
Warm compress is supposed to be the amazingly effective ways to treat a chalazion. Heat will help to increase the blood circulation and lessen the agony, swells, and lumps.

What you need to do is firstly soaking a clean washcloth in the heated and sanitized water. Then, hold that warm cloth on the affected area for about 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, gently massage that area for some minutes to help loosen up blocked fluids.

To gain the best results, you may repeat this process from 3 to 4 times daily or even before you sleep every night.

  • Green Tea Bags
Green tea is another effective remedy in treating a chalazion. Many studies have proved that it is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, which help to relieve inflammation and pain, reduce cysts and prevent infections.

To apply this way, firstly, you soak the tea bag in warm water for 5 minutes. After that, you strain that tea bag and squeeze the excess water out. Then, apply that tea bag onto the affected eyelid and hold for around 5 minutes.

You should keep doing this several times per day to get a quick improvement.

  • Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is the next simplest method of discarding a chalazion. Containing natural anti-inflammatory properties, it can help to reduce the eyelid cysts.

You only need to apply the gel from clean Aloe Vera leaves to the affected area and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, you should use warm water to wash that area.

You had better apply this method for couples of time daily for a week to receive the best results.

  • Cucumber
Rich in nutrients such as the ascorbic acids, this is usually considered as the excellent remedy in the treatment of swelling or reducing the pain on your eyelids.

You may apply this by using a fresh and clean cucumber whose skin is removed. You cut it into slices and hold them on the eyelid for around 15 minutes.

You should repeat this method 3 times daily to see the best results.

  • Guava Leaves
According to some studies, this can serve as an effective way of treating a chalazion. Guava leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that can help reduce the pain and swelling in this case.

To apply this remedy, firstly, you heat some clean, and fresh guava leaves up. Next, you cover those leaves with a warm damp cloth. Then, you place those warm leaves on the affected eyelid. Don’t forget to replace the leaves when they cool down.
For the optimum results, you should repeat the same process twice a day until the issue gets better.

  • Parsley
This popular material will bring amazing results to people who are getting the chalazion. Having anti-inflammatory and mild antibacterial agents, it can help to prevent the infection and promote the fast healing process.

To apply, firstly, you put some fresh and organic parsley into a bowl of hot water and let the water cool. Then, you dip a piece of clean cloth in that bowl. You squeeze the cloth and place it over the eyelid for about 15 minutes.

You had a better repeat this way about three times each day until the situation becomes better.

That is how to get rid of a chalazion we would like to share. And as you can see, there are several ways for us to apply to discard it soon. We hope all the above knowledge will help effectively in case you get a chalazion and want it to go away quickly.

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