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Violin Lessons For Beginners

Now that you are actively searching for your ideal violin teacher, you are one step closer to your dream of playing the violin…congratulations! You are now starting a new adventure that leads to the beauty of making music. Furthermore, playing the violin will also boost your creativity, self-discipline, self-confidence, coordination and finger and hand strength.

So what should you expect from your violin lessons?

During the first lesson, it is important to spend a few minutes really getting to know your new teacher by sharing some information with each other, in order to build a relationship which helps you to grow as a student and as a person.
You should also clearly discuss you goals with your teacher: for example, are you interested in playing any pieces in particular? Are there any specific genres of music which you wish to explore? Can you read music and, if not, would you like to learn?Check out the best mandolin for beginners buying guide reviews.
  • Before Starting the lessons
Before continuing with your lessons, it is important to get to know the different parts of the violin and your bow, in order to learn how to properly care for your instrument: the strings and body must be wiped down after each time you play and the violin must always be stored properly in a protective case.
  • Tune the violin
Being able to tune your violin by yourself is another important goal to reach; it may seem impossible at first, but anyone can do it with enough practice and you’ll soon be able to do it too. Obviously your teacher can help you at the beginning, but it is something that you should strive to do
  • Finger placement
During lessons, you will learn about the correct position and technique. Probably, at first, you will not use the bow but will only use your fingers to pluck the strings; this will help you learn where to put your left hand fingers in order to correctly make different pitches. This may last a few lessons; you will quickly progress to using the bow and learning correct technique. You will also learn other techniques, such as the vibrato, specific types of pizzicatos, and more.
  • Do Your Homework
Between lessons it is essential to practice, practice, practice! Remember that practice makes perfect, and it is important to practice every single day for at least thirty minutes. You should write down your homework each lesson, in order to always know clearly what to practice. It is better to practice every day, even for a short amount of time such as fifteen minutes, rather than to practice once a week for two hours. Try to find time each day for your violin practice, in order to spread it out as much as possible.
  • Personal Opinion
“My mom told me to try Violin Lessons Singapore to help me with the techniques, and indeed they have been so good in dealing with my mistakes and now I have full confidence that I can play violin well.” –Jiahui, 18

“Playing a violin is really my passion and I want to be more competent and be the best so my parents will be proud of me. Thanks to Violin Lessons Singapore for letting me realize that I am far better off than practicing alone. It is worth paying for when I saw my parents stood up with pride after my performance.” –Chuntian, 15

Don’t get discouraged if at first your lessons don’t go as well as you expected; learning the violin is hard and everyone learns at a different pace! Progress can sometimes be slow and this can be frustrating; remember that hard work does pay off eventually! The important thing is to persevere and always practice; you will soon start improving and become a better musician and violinist!To get the best wah pedal buying guide reviews.

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